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發表於 2021-10-19 17:06:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
1. Suspension Wedding吊挂婚礼

These are photos from PiercedSmurf‘s suspension wedding on April 20, 2007 in New Orleans. They're sharing their love for each other and for body modification. 這些是皮尔斯·史莫夫佳耦2007年4月20日在新奥尔良举辦婚礼時的照片。他们分享了相互的恋爱和對身體革新(刺青穿孔)的酷爱。

2. T.J. Maxx Wedding T.J. Maxx 名品扣头店里的婚礼

Lisa Satayut's dream was to get married in the size 8 shoe aisle at T.J. Maxx for as long as she could remember. Calling it her "happy place," the "Maxxinista" and her fiance, Drew Ellis, were married while the Mt. Pleasant, Michigan store was still open for business. 从记事起,丽莎·萨塔的空想就是在名品扣头店T.J. Maxx的8号鞋子通道举辦婚礼。喜好在T.J. Maxx店购物的丽莎把這個处所称作“淘宝天國”,她和她的未婚夫德鲁·埃利斯在密歇根州芒特普莱森特的T.J. Maxx分店举辦了婚礼,婚礼時代该店依然業務。

3. Zero Gravity Wed隆乳,ding零重力婚礼

The bride wore white and earrings resembling tiny planets, the groom wore a tuxedo and cuff links shaped like spacecraft, and the wedding party attended in blue jumpsuits. New York City couple Erin Finnegan and Noah Fulmor floated into matrimony thousands of meters above the Gulf of Mexico in what organizers said was the world's first zero gravity wedding. 新娘身穿白裙,耳饰看似小行星;新郎身穿大礼服,袖口链扣像宇宙飞船。加入婚礼的来宾身穿蓝色跳伞服,来自纽约的佳耦艾琳·芬尼根和诺亚·福摩飘到墨西哥湾数公里的高空举辦成婚典礼。组织者称這是世界上的第一次零重力婚礼。

The couple exchanged wedding vows and rings – with some difficulty – and fumbled their kiss while flying weightless inside the padded fuselage

of a specially modified Boeing 727-200 aircraft, G-Force One, operated by ZERO-G, a company offering weightless flight experiences. 這對佳耦在颠末特别革新過的波音727-200飞機“重力一号”里,在無重状况下互换了婚礼的誓言和戒指(這可不易),并试探着亲吻。婚礼典礼由零重力公司筹辦,该公司供给無重力飞翔體验。

4. Largest Underwater Wedding最大的水下婚礼

Two hundred and sixty one divers took the plunge to achieve the largest underwater wedding on record. Francesca Colombi and Giampiero Giannoccaro's marriage ceremony設計師, took place underwater at Morcone Beach, Capoliveri, Elba Island, Italy, on June 12, 2010. 261名潜水員在水里见证了史上最大的水下婚礼。2010年6月12日,弗朗西丝卡·科隆比和詹皮耶罗·詹诺卡罗在乎大利的厄尔巴島卡波利韦里莫尔科内的水下举辦了婚礼。

5. Rappelling Wedding高空绕绳降低婚礼

These newlyweds are joining the mile high club ... in front of all their family and friends. Jiang Dezhang (R), 27, kisses his bride Tie Guangju, 26, 泡腳丸,while rappelling from a building during their wedding ceremony in Kunming, China. 這對新婚佳耦在他们的亲友老友的眼前升入了高空。中國昆明27岁的蒋德章,在婚礼典礼上从空中迟钝降低并亲吻他的26岁新娘铁光菊。

These two lovebirds both work as exterior cleaners of tall buildings, so they decided to incorporate rappelling into their ceremony. Sure, because they don't get enough of that on regular days. 這两只恋爱鸟都是做高空洗濯事情的,以是他们决议把高空绳子参加到他们的典礼中。看来日常平凡他们日常平凡事情時如许做還不外瘾。

 6. Roller Skating Wedding轮滑婚礼

Who says that wedding gowns have to be white and traditional? Check out these fantastic photos of Liz and Dave's roller skating-themed wedding by photographer Michelle Hayes. 谁说婚紗必需是白色传统式样的?看看此次利兹和大卫轮滑主题婚礼時的照片吧,這些照片由拍照師米歇尔·海斯拍摄。

7. Glacier Wedding冰川婚礼

A bride and groom say "I do" on a frozen glacier just outside of Juneau, Alaska. Temperatures on the glacier are usually only about 10 to 15 degrees cooler than on land. We hope it leads to a warm marriage. 新郎和新娘在阿拉斯加首府朱诺市外结冰的冰川上,對相互说出了“我愿意” 的誓言。冰川上的温度凡是比地面上的温度低10到15度。咱们但愿他们的婚姻不會那末冷。

 8. Hot Air Balloon Wedding热气球婚礼

Mike Kijak has been flying hot air balloons through California's Sonoma Valley for 15 years. Though the wedding party is limited to eight, the sky is the limit for hot air balloon weddings at Up and Away in Sonoma Valley. Owner Mike Kijak, center, pilots the balloon and performs the ceremony. 麦克·基杰克這15年来一向乘坐热气球飞過加州的索诺马山谷。固然热气球婚礼典礼限定了来宾只能有8小我,但在索诺马山谷之上,天空是热气球婚礼的独一限定。热气球的主人麦克·基杰克位于热气球的中心,節制着热气球并举行典礼。

"You would hear about it," he said of hot air balloon weddings. "It's marriage proposals we'd see a lot of. Then one day someone asked, 'Can you marry us?' and I thought, 'Sure, why not?'" So, Kijak looked into it and can now legally marry couples in the state of California. Of course, he's also flying the balloon, so ceremonies stay relatively simple. “你应當据说過。”他谈到热气球婚礼。“咱们看到不少如许的婚礼建议。有一天有人问我, ‘能让咱们如许成婚吗 ?’ 我想,‘固然了。為甚麼不克不及呢?’” 厥後基杰克對此举行了钻研,如今他能在加州正當地為新婚佳耦举辦婚礼。固然了,他還得節制热气球呢,以是婚礼相對于来讲比力简略。

 9. Rainy Wedding雨中婚礼

There are those who believe that a rainy wedding means good luck for the happy couple. If this is true, then Hernelie Ruazol and Ram Campo are in for a blessed marriage indeed—it didn't just rain on their wedding, it poured and even flooded. 有些人信赖雨中婚礼暗示是對幸福佳耦好运的祝愿。若是這是真的,那末埃呐里·鲁厄祖和拉姆·坎普必定會有完竣的婚姻,他们婚礼當天不但下雨了,并且下的是滂湃大雨,乃至可以用洪水泛滥来形容。

The couple's sopping-wet wedding became Internet-famous as a post-up photo of them kissing in ankle-deep flood water i理財,n their wedding garb made romantics swoon. The couple tied the knot inside the flooded San Antonio de Padua Parish Church in Singalong, Manila, at the height of the monsoon rains。這對佳耦穿戴成婚号衣在深及脚踝的雨水中亲吻的照片,足以迷倒不少浪漫主义者。照片發到網上後,他们那满身湿透的婚礼立即成為網上會商的热門。這對佳耦在季風雨季的岑岭時節,在被水淹過的马尼拉圣安东尼帕多瓦教堂里喜结连理。

Their vow of "for better or worse" was tested much earlier than expected. Kissing in a rainy deluge, Hernelie a線上av,nd Ram appeared able to endure any future storms in their marriage. 他们的成婚誓言“非论黑白”颠末了磨练,并且這比料想的可要早很多。既然他们能在暴雨中接吻,看来今後也能履历住婚姻中的狂風雨。

10. Classy Batman Wedding优雅的蝙蝠侠婚礼

If you thought superhero weddings are generally too casual, here are some classy, stunning gold and black wedding ideas all based on having an elegant Batman wedding. 若是你认為超等英雄的婚礼都過分随便,看看這些优雅而迷人的金色和玄色婚礼創意,主题是优雅的蝙蝠侠婚礼。

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